Life is inevitable, however our tenacity to deal with the circumstances defines our destiny. Choose wisely and live freely...Cheers !!!

Sunday 15 July 2018

Recently a friend said this during a conversation which had me wonder, perhaps it is one of the most unrecognized fact about life, it requires a lot of guts or I would prefer calling it the will power to reboot and start over our lives.

It takes a lot of guts to reboot..!

What takes it away, everyone is equipped with enough will power to incinerate every obstacle along the journey of life however, what incinerate the will power itself. I could only think of two situations which are, either we are still in the past or we are only living in future.

When or if we are in the past and wondering for why something has happened in our lives, it takes a toll on our will and gradually starts suffocating us to be precise. Apparently, it is very well said that "Where there's a will, there's a way", I am not saying that the way we have to walk on would be easy or tough however, there is always an option and that is to keep our will power intact to face the music and make the past fall flat on its face !!!

Being always in future is also something which could incinerate our will power as we are not at the place where we are needed, but we are only living at the place which is inevitable and eventually everything would unfold before us with the time, however we still wish for things to turn out differently and honestly "If wishes were horses, the beggars would ride", it is in best of our interest to go as a guest in the future, not live there as a resident !!!

We all live our lives which is inevitable and one the most lethal weapon we are equipped with is our will power which can and will get us thru our darkest hours however, if it is only loaded with our strength, what I am trying to convey is that if we have enough will power than we can stay strong in the moment we are needed, neither the moment which has passed nor the moment which is yet to come, the will power is needed to only stay in the moment we are in right now and stay strong, giving up is never an option. "People do not lack strength, they lack will". Choose wisely and live freely....Cheers !!!

Please share your thoughts as well and do not forget to connect with me using the icons in the sidebar or find me on Facebook and Twitter by @lifebyavi, you can subscribe with your email address as well.. Thank you !

Sunday 1 July 2018

Thank you all for your active participation, let us find the conclusion for The Parasite within us : Ego.

The Parasite within us : Ego : Conclusion

It is not something we get in legacy but something we earn over a period of time, however it is not confined with an age limit or even gender to be honest. We earn it with the experiences which put our principles to judgement which cannot always be right for anyone or everyone, apparently judging how constructive we are to implement a better thought and let go of the bad one.

The part which I wish to emphasize on is that we get confused between self respect and ego to be precise, none of them is harmful for anyone till the time we do not let it feed on our happiness.

When we get into an argument with someone, it can be a family member or a friend or even a stranger, we always want to win it by any means possible and the most wicked part is that we do not even think once, about the consequences it could create in our own lives. It could be catastrophic or maybe minor but our ego or self respect would cloud our judgement of understanding the potential threat it could incur in our lives.

Let us think of a situation we all have been in : In our childhood our parents always criticized on a lot of actions, warning us of the threats our actions could posses for others and most importantly ourselves and sometimes we understood that and sometimes we learned it by going thru the consequences but we were always open to learning something new for a better life, however the beauty of life comes, when we grow old and we think of ourselves as a celestial being with an unwillingness of ever learning something new, whereas life teaches us a new lesson everyday.

There is always a solution to every problem in this world, but only if we are looking for one. The only solution I find to this problem related to ego or self respect is "Listening and Understanding" or "Therapeutic Listening" since sympathy cannot really be beneficial for us but understanding the situation from someone's point of view could improve our own judgement and ultimately giving a solution that could be of "No" or near to "No" harm in anyone's life.

Having Ego or Self respect is good, only if we are willing to gain an experience from both of the sides, being better then others by listening to them and getting a solution which is considerably best for all, this could make us "earn" self respect or ego as we call it. "When you stop learning, you start dying". Choose wisely and live freely....Cheers!!!

Please share your thoughts as well and do not forget to connect with me using the icons in the sidebar or find me on Facebook and Twitter by @lifebyavi, you can subscribe with your email address as well.. Thank you !