Life is inevitable, however our tenacity to deal with the circumstances defines our destiny. Choose wisely and live freely...Cheers !!!

Sunday 16 December 2018

Life, which is nonetheless a book of adventures and it is not because of its iconic perfection but for its ironic perfections. WHO,WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY and HOW ?, we all realize it in our daily lives to be precise but we deceive ourselves in accepting it and today, let's explore that specific irony of life which make our lives a book of adventures. Also, one of my friend suggested me to write about this aspect of life.


Who does it revolves around, let's make a guess, what about our family or a friend or a neighbor or a foe or an acquaintance. Honestly, it is only about us, who else would our life be about? We see everything, we notice everyone however we barely realize the reality of the way we have constructed our lives.


What am I talking about, we all wake up in morning, afternoon or even at night and what do we do afterwords, we would either go to our workplace or maybe we would be luckily on our off but there is one aspect common among all, that is the monotony.


Now, we are talking about the location. It could be our home, office or maybe outside but aren't we following the same pattern. If we are going to workplace, we would work then go home and sleep. About a day if we are on off, we would prefer to stay home to take rest and sometimes, we would go out since we had enough of work during the working days. This is the location for most of us, isn't it ?


Not a lot to say about it but, It is every moment of our lives which we assume to be under our own obedience whereas it is obedient to the moment we all are obliged with.


This is easy, the only reason we are bounded by this is because, most of us are addicted to this life of monotonous events. We do not accept the changes since most of us are not ready to adopt the unpredictable situation that we encounter.


How could we do this ? even i fail to comprehend this, hence I would need your suggestion to complete this blog.

How could we be like this?

Let's take an idle working day for an example : We wake up, get ready then have our meal or maybe we would skip it for some reason, afterwards we somehow manage to reach our workplace but we may have already had an argument with someone for no valid reason or maybe not, then we would work and in the meanwhile we might as well take rest or have meal in idle time but by end of the day we would lay down to only recall it as another same day before falling asleep.

Please tell me how could we do this to our lives where we bound ourselves to this monotony of life instead of cherishing the irony of life. We all must adopt to the changes or if there aren't any changes then how could we change our lives from a monotonous to a life of adventures since "We weren't born to just pay bills and die or are we.? " . Choose wisely and live freely...Cheers !!!

Please share your thoughts as well and do not forget to connect with me using the icons in the sidebar or find me on Facebook and Twitter by @lifebyavi, you can subscribe with your email address as well.. Thank you !

Monday 26 November 2018

Peace, priceless when attained but most expensive when trying to attain. Apparently, something we all seek but we do not comprehend the price we must pay to attain this sense of calmness in our thoughts. Hence, let's negotiate the price we could pay for it.

Peace : Priceless, Yet Most Expensive !!!

We must begin with trying to find the reason for not being at peace first, and it is not only associated to one relation rather it goes beyond than what we could even aspire, we could be easily annoyed by anything or even everything, for an instance what if we are asked to put the garbage in a dustbin whereas we always does that but still we were asked and that could annoy us, few of us may not really care for this instance, but the point is, anything could make us feel angry.

Anger is born from despair, we have lost hope, we may as well have an impression that everything is always against us in our lives. The better question is why and the simple answer is, because we let it annoy us or make us feel angry, however what is the price for it. Now, this is getting confusing.

I am quite certain that few of us have started getting angry over this blog but, if I may ask, please forgive me and keep reading and we may have paid the price for peace by end of this blog. Thank you !

This is the price for peace, forgiveness. We barely comprehend that we need to forgive, not because we are told that its morally correct or someone asked to be forgiven, but because we need to keep moving forward and that is what life is all about. Now, it doesn't mean that every time someone says something stupid, we need to show them our palm and say "i forgive you", that would probably get someone in a mental asylum or a hospital if the person is lucky enough, however do not ever let the words said by others to get into our heads for it may manifest thoughts that we do not want, which would cause overthinking and ultimately, loss of peace for now, and we only live in present, not in future.

What I am emphasizing on, is to forgive without being asked by someone and move forward without saying a word and gradually we will make peace with ourselves, and this is the price for peace which, not everyone can afford. "There is no greater wealth than the peace of mind". Choose wisely and live freely...Cheers !!!

Please share your thoughts as well and do not forget to connect with me using the icons in the sidebar or find me on Facebook and Twitter by @lifebyavi, you can subscribe with your email address as well.. Thank you !

Sunday 25 November 2018


"I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of, so they can see that it's not the answer"-Jim Carry. Is this statement really justified ?
Everybody Should Get Rich and Famous !

Let's have some discussion about it and find out, for how justified this statement really is !, it was said by Jim Carry, who happens to be Rich & Famous but what about us, most of us are neither rich nor famous. How can someone who posses neither of them could possibly understand this. I personally would love to experience that being rich and famous is not the answer, apparently everyone wants to be rich and famous, but what is holding us back from being rich and famous, or following our dreams?

Too Busy - Bullshit, call yourself lazy if you really want to hear the truth or maybe you never really wanted it like the way you should've been and that is the reason you cannot be persistent.

Impossible - Now, we are being too practical or maybe we do not have what it takes to even dream or rather follow those dreams as it could have multiple consequences which would not be held in our favor but we need to look at the possibility of what could be there at the end of the line instead of being concerned about the situations ahead of us.

Afraid -Failing is something we cannot control but we can minimize the risk, however never giving up is a choice which we can make and include it in our lifestyle at a part of us which would help us with all the ventures in life.

Too Competitive - Seriously, this is something which is there for everyone not just made exclusively for a specific person. Still, there are people who achieve something everyday and if this reason is holding us back then we really need some inspiration.

Don't Know - In this case, lets go for everything we can do and eventually we would know of that something which could make us rich and famous or be the dream we never realized.

Easier Said Than Done -True, but was there anything which could be done easily and as an example it took years for every individual to even learn to speak or read or write or walk, everything that is done in the beginning has to be perfected with time, no one is born perfect !

Tell me if there is anything else that I missed on but now comes the question once again, what if being rich and famous or getting everything that we dreamed of, is not the answer?, then what what is the answer for it ?

If I get it right, then it is the satisfaction from what we posses, we should always pursue our dreams or become rich and famous but the satisfaction is the guardian of the eternal peace, we should not keep running, we must take a halt and appreciate what we have before start running again, what I am emphasizing on is that we should never give up but we should learn to celebrate every achievement and move forward with the same zeal even though we may get stuck at the same place for a while but if we don't get stuck then we would never learn to appreciate. "Sometimes we don't appreciate what we have because we are too focused on what we want". Choose wisely and live freely....cheers !!!

Please share your thoughts as well and do not forget to connect with me using the icons in the sidebar or find me on Facebook and Twitter by @lifebyavi, you can subscribe with your email address as well.. Thank you !

Sunday 15 July 2018

Recently a friend said this during a conversation which had me wonder, perhaps it is one of the most unrecognized fact about life, it requires a lot of guts or I would prefer calling it the will power to reboot and start over our lives.

It takes a lot of guts to reboot..!

What takes it away, everyone is equipped with enough will power to incinerate every obstacle along the journey of life however, what incinerate the will power itself. I could only think of two situations which are, either we are still in the past or we are only living in future.

When or if we are in the past and wondering for why something has happened in our lives, it takes a toll on our will and gradually starts suffocating us to be precise. Apparently, it is very well said that "Where there's a will, there's a way", I am not saying that the way we have to walk on would be easy or tough however, there is always an option and that is to keep our will power intact to face the music and make the past fall flat on its face !!!

Being always in future is also something which could incinerate our will power as we are not at the place where we are needed, but we are only living at the place which is inevitable and eventually everything would unfold before us with the time, however we still wish for things to turn out differently and honestly "If wishes were horses, the beggars would ride", it is in best of our interest to go as a guest in the future, not live there as a resident !!!

We all live our lives which is inevitable and one the most lethal weapon we are equipped with is our will power which can and will get us thru our darkest hours however, if it is only loaded with our strength, what I am trying to convey is that if we have enough will power than we can stay strong in the moment we are needed, neither the moment which has passed nor the moment which is yet to come, the will power is needed to only stay in the moment we are in right now and stay strong, giving up is never an option. "People do not lack strength, they lack will". Choose wisely and live freely....Cheers !!!

Please share your thoughts as well and do not forget to connect with me using the icons in the sidebar or find me on Facebook and Twitter by @lifebyavi, you can subscribe with your email address as well.. Thank you !

Sunday 1 July 2018

Thank you all for your active participation, let us find the conclusion for The Parasite within us : Ego.

The Parasite within us : Ego : Conclusion

It is not something we get in legacy but something we earn over a period of time, however it is not confined with an age limit or even gender to be honest. We earn it with the experiences which put our principles to judgement which cannot always be right for anyone or everyone, apparently judging how constructive we are to implement a better thought and let go of the bad one.

The part which I wish to emphasize on is that we get confused between self respect and ego to be precise, none of them is harmful for anyone till the time we do not let it feed on our happiness.

When we get into an argument with someone, it can be a family member or a friend or even a stranger, we always want to win it by any means possible and the most wicked part is that we do not even think once, about the consequences it could create in our own lives. It could be catastrophic or maybe minor but our ego or self respect would cloud our judgement of understanding the potential threat it could incur in our lives.

Let us think of a situation we all have been in : In our childhood our parents always criticized on a lot of actions, warning us of the threats our actions could posses for others and most importantly ourselves and sometimes we understood that and sometimes we learned it by going thru the consequences but we were always open to learning something new for a better life, however the beauty of life comes, when we grow old and we think of ourselves as a celestial being with an unwillingness of ever learning something new, whereas life teaches us a new lesson everyday.

There is always a solution to every problem in this world, but only if we are looking for one. The only solution I find to this problem related to ego or self respect is "Listening and Understanding" or "Therapeutic Listening" since sympathy cannot really be beneficial for us but understanding the situation from someone's point of view could improve our own judgement and ultimately giving a solution that could be of "No" or near to "No" harm in anyone's life.

Having Ego or Self respect is good, only if we are willing to gain an experience from both of the sides, being better then others by listening to them and getting a solution which is considerably best for all, this could make us "earn" self respect or ego as we call it. "When you stop learning, you start dying". Choose wisely and live freely....Cheers!!!

Please share your thoughts as well and do not forget to connect with me using the icons in the sidebar or find me on Facebook and Twitter by @lifebyavi, you can subscribe with your email address as well.. Thank you !

Monday 4 June 2018

Hey guys !!!!, I hope you all are doing well...I appreciate your enthusiasm in sharing your thoughts, hence I decided to have another blog which requires your opinion.
The Parasite within us : Ego (Chapter 01)

A parasite, nothing less or nothing more......we feed this parasite for we all are prone to it but what does it feed upon, our soul or our peace or everything that we are made of ?, I personally feel it feeds on future, it makes it shorter,darker, painful than it could ever be.....can we ever overcome this dilemma that we control it not the other way around?

We all have ego...sometimes we call it good and we call it bad or maybe when we have it then, it is good but if someone else has is bad..?

Let me break in into gender, who has it on the brighter or on the darker side...Men or Women ?

Men : They are always known for having this "Male Ego", why does it exist, I guess it is not male ego, it is just ego and women call it male ago to exaggerate their statement and make men feel anxious about it and give it up, otherwise how would they describe a man who is self-made and share his thoughts by the experiences he has encountered or maybe he is faking it all, nonetheless does it exist..the male ego ?

Women : On the other hand women may have the experience and even the expertise but it is always under the question of validation...which makes them angry and lead a discussion to an argument ?, maybe they knows better for what is necessary to get a bright future, we really cannot figure it out when we sit back and have a few thoughts or discussions about it, however are they really an expert ?

Who destroys or makes it all better or darker men or women...given an opportunity whom would you say is on the one or both sides....Leave it in the comments or inbox on my Facebook page....let's have a discussion or even an argument for this matter but we must conclude it at the earliest, we all must know who feeds this parasite or who is prone to this parasite, remember "Ego Trip : A Journey to Nowhere" . Choose wisely and live freely.....Cheers!!!

Thank you for your support and concluding this blog with The Parasite within us : Ego : Conclusion.

Please share your thoughts as well and do not forget to connect with me using the icons in the sidebar or find me on Facebook and Twitter by @lifebyavi, you can subscribe with your email address as well.. Thank you !

Sunday 20 May 2018

There is always a time in life when we realize that what we did or what happened was wrong and an infinite time loop begins, so that we can keep bashing ourselves for it, and forget one simple thumb-rule about life that, we have to be wrong to distinguish between wrong and right  !!!

We have to be wrong, to know the difference between wrong and right !!!

What is being wrong !!!

Honestly, it is when we have to convince ourselves that what we are going to do is right at the first place and it can also be done by even telling ourselves that we did it to make things right and so on...or maybe sometimes when it has already happened, then it was out of a reaction to an action. Now, the fact is that, it has already happened and drowning ourselves in that situation would never give a different outcome to it, so if we are wrong let's accept the fact that we were wrong, and it would do most of the work !!!

What is being right !!!

When, we encounter a situation where we think or rather put ourselves in the other person's situation to understand the emotions that the other person may be going thru and responding as per the experiences we had in the past, when we were also there dealing with the same emotions or we may not always understand the emotions that the other person may have been going thru, then we must stay calm and ask !!!, the most simple question in this life, that is to ask "What Happened".

If, we have to go thru a situation now, we should understand that how we need to react, either we would have learned of the outcome the hard way by experiencing it or we could have understood by asking it. Nonetheless, we need to know or give a thought to the outcome of a situation before reacting to it, a vantage point to be precise. Always remember "If a person was never wrong, then it is impossible to be always right". Choose wisely and live freely.....Cheers!!!

Please share your thoughts as well and do not forget to connect with me using the icons in the sidebar or find me on Facebook and Twitter by @lifebyavi, you can subscribe with your email address as well.. Thank you !

Sunday 13 May 2018


By the time I realized that my father was right, I already have a child, who thinks I'm wrong.!!!

Is this true or merely a thought perceived by our consciousness, let's find it out!!

A father is someone who is tough, rude, arrogant and what not to be or maybe as delicate as a thinnest sheet of the glass in this world, do we realize now that maybe, all of it was necessary to make sure the child is prepared for this world as this world is not a fairyland and it could shatter every positive vibe a person may have cherished since childhood, apparently it is something which needs a lot of courage since a father need to break a few dreams to create a person who is tougher than this world so the child could conquer the dreams that are needed and not deviating from the reality of this world.

Now, when we look back and think of our childhood we see ourselves as someone who even ate food only for the reason that "dad may get angry", we laugh at those moments and we also peruse the same notion to ensure that the child learns the same and never forget the priorities when the time would come to do the same.

A father puts the food on table and also makes sure that the family stays healthy and wealthy as much as possible, irrespective of the circumstances we may encounter.

Honestly, we enjoyed our lives under his kingdom but as of now we merely breath to prove our existence, it may be our turn to return the favor by doing the same with the child, to teach the lesson of life that failing is not a choice, but never giving up is THE CHOICE WE HAVE TO MAKE !!!

It is a tough and a kind of "jack fruit" responsibility, but we may have come far enough to realize that "A Father is the Predecessor and A child is the Successor, of his legacy"....choose wisely and live freely...cheers !!!

Please share your thoughts as well and do not forget to connect with me. Also, please leave it in the comments below, if you would like me to write about something in particular.. Thank you for reading !

Monday 7 May 2018

Finally, we have concluded for who makes this world better or who makes it worse. This is the conclusion for Earth : Dominated by Men or Women !, first of all I would like to thank all the people who helped me to conclude it, I received messages from many people. Hence, thank you all for making it possible for me to write the conclusion.

Earth : Dominated by Men or Women : Conclusion

Now, there were few people who kept saying that men causes the world to show its worst face to us by oppressing women with their power upon them, sometimes it is mentally and even physically at times but the men does that and the oppressed someday rise and bad things happen which was ultimately caused because of what men did, for which men should be held guilty and only women makes this world a better place !!!

Then, Few were quite inclined with their thought that women uses their sympathy and have the men proved guilty even before the trial which causes for the men to start doing the same things for which they were falsely implicated and women should be the one to be held guilty, and only men makes this world a better place !!!

A few even emphasized that it the God who is taking the earth to this phase of terror, and the God should be held guilty !!!

Seriously, I really appreciate your response and taking out time for it but, why are we only playing blame games ??

Every individual is responsible for his or her own actions and God gave free will to even the Angels, now who do we blame ??, we all are to be held responsible for every right and every wrong thing that happens in this world.

This cannot be gender specific, we all has worked together in making this world a peaceful place and it is only us who must keep working together without blaming each other, we all have our responsibilities, there are women who pay all the bills and there are men who takes care of household but it only becomes tough when we start counting our responsibilities or start naming them !!!

The Conclusion is, The earth is dominated by humans !!!

Choose wisely and live freely...Cheers !!!

Please share your thoughts as well and do not forget to connect with me using the icons in the sidebar or find me on Facebook and Twitter by @lifebyavi, you can subscribe with your email address as well.. Thank you !

Saturday 28 April 2018

Is it as true as it sound or is it just a myth, we all are enthusiastic while having such discussions with our family, friends or even with a stranger and it does not really takes a long time before it could turn into an argument to be precise.

Earth : Dominated by Men or Women !

We all are humans first of all which makes both of us vulnerable to all emotions in life and how we deal with them matters the most.

Once, I heard that men do well with money but don't do well with emotions, apparently it was something I could not skip, but to think over it multiple times and I could realize that we men may really do well with money but when it comes to emotions, I am sorry to all the men but we just cannot handle it well, for example we sometimes accept false allegations, lies and many more, only so that we can go on with a peaceful life, we men only like to think about one thing at a time. What else does a man possibly demands, apart from a peaceful life !

I have always heard that women are equal or maybe even further more superior then men, however while discussing the role and responsibilities why does it sounds that only men is the one who has to do everything, many women does share all the responsibilities but how many of them really exist or are they
extinct already. We should split all the bills or pull a chair for each other at a restaurant or maybe open the door for each other once in a while, it looks even funnier when we imagine it in our head, can women really do it or is it just an impossible thought after all everything that even a women wants is peace !

We both have one emotion in common that is peace however, who works harder or even smarter for it ??

To complete this blog I would request you to share your thought in the comments, share this blog and let us conclude for who makes this world a better place to live !!!. Choose wisely and live freely...Cheers !!!

Thank you for your support in concluding this blog with Earth : Dominated by Men or Women : Conclusion.

Please share your thoughts as well and do not forget to connect with me using the icons in the sidebar or find me on Facebook and Twitter by @lifebyavi, you can subscribe with your email address as well.. Thank you !

Sunday 22 April 2018

A mystery or a mystical being, may as well be an understatement for wives.

Wife : The Queen Of All Trades !

However, Queen of all trades may sound quite appropriate as they definitely are and always will be,the history dictates same.

They can be loving, caring, fascinating, despicable or anything we want them to be or nothing like we need them to be. This is what had me inclined to make an attempt to write about them.

We men always try to understand them, manage them, control them and this is where we are wrong as they are the celestial beings among us all, just think about the pain and suffering they have to go thru and that is only to see us in relief. They have so many roles in their life a daughter, a sister, a mother, a granny along with the foremost important role of being a wife and they can never retire unlike men, we too have our share of responsibilities but we are born with a tenacity of letting go of the things easily however on the other hand women can live without everything or anyone but they cannot survive anything without their husband, they loses their pieces without us. I have personally seen this in my mother and sisters.

They are the Queens of all trades as they can sustain with any man and overcome the challenges and make their man a king, a Queen takes care of the obstacles while a men only has few responsibility and that it to provide them with a roof, food on table and apparels, on the other hand women has to make that roof a home, make cuisines of the food and look as a mystery with the apparels.

What I am emphasizing on is that we should respect them and provide them with what is necessary and they would always do what is best for us, they respect and trust us with their lives. Always remember "A Man Is A King, Only When He Has A Queen". Respect truly and live freely....Cheers !!!

Please share your thoughts as well and do not forget to connect with me using the icons in the sidebar or find me on Facebook and Twitter by @lifebyavi, you can subscribe with your email address as well.. Thank you !

Saturday 14 April 2018

Poetry, it is a word which could be used to define life as resemblance in both is remarkably recognizable, as similar to poetry life also has multiple verses which may or at times may not rhyme well but ultimately keeps defining our lives. Today I am inclined to discuss a verse of our lives which may or may not be written in everyone's fate but we all have reached to that thought for at least once in our lives, that is the divorce or die verse as I would emphasize on calling it.
Divorce : The Die Verse

Divorce or Die Verse is a decision mostly taken out of sheer anger or to gain control over the other person or in some cases it can be because of someone else, I have been talking to lot of people over the same matter and I could realize that many of them were angry or wanted to gain control over the other person and this is not specific to a gender, it can be either of them, they wanted to make a threat and somehow that threat did not serve its purpose and started the clash of the egos for "who owns whom", gradually things keep getting worse as the time goes by and eventually making it impossible to reconcile  !!!

We live in the era where time goes faster then life and we try to control life instead of managing time. We even lie to accelerate the process but "A Liar's biggest enemy is someone with a good memory" which we forget and it keeps getting worse by every lie and it becomes more difficult to look back and see ourselves as the same person !!!

We did all this only to gain control over the other person, however now nothing matters anymore, we can keep doing this but in this verse a part of us dies, hence it becomes the Die Verse or if you still want to call it divorce, it is only after this, when we realize that life is a lot more about solving matters amicably than trying to control the other person, I would personally suggest everyone to avoid jumping to conclusions such as Divorce or Die Verse and it is never too late to solve any matter amicably !!!

Some times we are too far to go back wherein we have already tried to solve things amicably and now the only way out is the way thru, then we must be ready to have Die Verse or Divorce written in the poetry of our lives and remember "In Order To Rise From Its Own Ashes, A Phoenix Must Burn First" as this would not be an easy path and we would need more patience than we could even imagine. Choose wisely and live freely....Cheers !!!

Please share your thoughts as well and do not forget to connect with me using the icons in the sidebar or find me on Facebook and Twitter by @lifebyavi, you can subscribe with your email address as well.. Thank you !

Thursday 5 April 2018

Exquisite, would be the most appropriate word for its delicacy. We all have it or had it or maybe want to have it, we all have been thriving for the moment we can live it, I found it more addictive then anything I have encountered in my life till now. It can happen with anyone and anytime, it does not seek our permission or authorization, it just happens. Just like the way we can never recount the number of drinks we had last night, after a hangover.....

Affection : The Twisted Candy.

We really got to have some guts to be affectionate, it is not a cup of tea or a brunch but a commitment to ourselves for loyalty, dedication and all the things which we can, as well as cannot think of in our little brains and big heart, indeed we need a big heart for it. It is the toughest fight between our heart and brains that we would ever have to battle, this is what makes it "The Twisted Candy".

Few of us who had it and are already over it, have we ever traveled back in time and wondered if we were drugged the entire time for the amount of affection we had for the other person, I know it feels so awkward now, but it still gives us the same smile, which happens to be the best part about those memories and if in case we get angry while remembering then we are still not over it, hence get over it and never let it become The Weight on our Chest !!!

Few of us are going thru the trance of affection and wishes for it to never end, which is possible only if we are ready for the constant battle between our brains and heart wherein we would have to only rely on our heart for only our heart can endeavor affection, brains would scrutinize affection and could leave us in the abyss of sorrow. So, we must have or develop, the tenacity of affection in our heart only, not in brains.

Few of us who want to have it, may have been able to comprehend what we are wishing for by reading the previously mentioned details. This candy can be sweet, bitter or even sour and point is to survive it all "Affection is greater than perfection". Affectionate truly and live freely...Cheers !!!

Please share your thoughts as well and do not forget to connect with me using the icons in the sidebar or find me on Facebook and Twitter by @lifebyavi, you can subscribe with your email address as well.. Thank you !

Tuesday 3 April 2018

Haridwar, a beautiful place where divine Ganges bless us with mountains as its crown, and a lot of people present to receive and honor the blessings. We all have our own vantage point to presume the existence of what we cannot comprehend.

Haridwar : Diversion from Chaos to Solitude.

I recently had a visit to Haridwar and it was quite chaotic.

Haridwar : Diversion from Chaos to Solitude.

This is what compelled my thoughts to wonder if this is really the place for solitude, I could not resist but to go further and know it for myself, firstly I had to find a place to submerge a few times in the Ganges which was difficult given the number of people gathered with the similar motive however I found it after struggling for a few minutes.

It is said that Ganges can wash away the sins, I honestly respect everyone's belief however my personal opinion is, nothing can wash away our sins, even if they were unintentional, we have to always atone for our sins otherwise why would a person seek redemption, everyone would simply submerge in the Ganges and would be forgiven from all the sins. Also, if this could be possible that we would be forgiven then it would have been sold for millions.

Now, when I took a chance myself, I would not possibly know how to express my gratitude to god for the life that we all have been blessed with, maybe it was because of heavy water current which got me a little scared to realize the importance of my life or maybe because water was too cold but something worked this thought in my head and ultimately, gave me a moment of solitude.

This is how or why I found Haridwar as a diversion from chaos to solitude and I liked this place, hence I might visit this place more often now.

We all should have our moments of solitude, as this life is shorter than we think. Keep travelling and live freely...

Please share your thoughts as well and do not forget to connect with me using the icons in the sidebar or find me on Facebook and Twitter by @lifebyavi, you can subscribe with your email address as well.. Thank you !

Thursday 29 March 2018

Yes, Trust is a belief that not even millionaires can buy. Today, we all would discuss an aspect of life which we ourselves cannot afford at times but we always try our best to have this belief intact till the time it is fruitful to us and that is a bitter truth, trust me !!!

Trust : A Luxury not everyone can afford...

We define trust in many forms, ways and methods. To simply put it together, we ourselves get confused with trust and lie, what I believe in, that if I trust someone it does not mean that the other person would not lie to me, however would not lie about me to someone else or not even me for that matter. We sometimes accuse someone of not being trustworthy only for a reason that the other person lied about themselves or someone else, let us ask ourselves "Did the other person lie about us ?" and the answer would get clarity in a few seconds within our head.

It does not makes them untrustworthy if they lie about their friends or family, if that person has to lie than maybe that person has keep someone else's trust as well by hiding their secrets from you. "Would we want our secrets 
to be shared with someone else like that ?"

I hope we are able to understand this, it is quite confusing which I am very well aware of but "no giving up". If we want a trustworthy person to be there in our lives than firstly, let us become a trustworthy person for someone else, we start this by keeping someone's trust and we get the favor returned. I am not really a fan of Mahatma Gandhi but I like what he said "Be the change you want to see in the world".

Now, the worst part, My trust was betrayed or what if the other person betrays my trust. I am not asking anyone to blindly trust a stranger but to give time for the trust to flourish. It would be tough and we would be betrayed as well but we can never let this stop us from being human and ultimately a person who betrays the trust would also get betrayed someday just remember the The Infinite Phenomenon. "Life Without A Trustworthy Companion, Is Like A Currency Without Denomination, Worthless". Trust wisely and live freely...Cheers !!!

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Monday 26 March 2018

A tool, that is what a sword is perhaps it is the art of swordsmanship which gives the ability to fiercely pierce thru the fearsome opponents, relatively knowledge is also a tool however without wisdom it is as good as it never existed.
The Knowledge and The Wisdom

The Sword : Knowledge

Knowledge is about the information that we can obtain either by books or investigations, that can and will help us in our future to attain right answers for when and if they are needed, we all must focus on gathering as much knowledge as possible, we can always learn from ourselves or the people around us. We just need an open mind to see and learn every prospect of life for it is a tool that we all must acquire to live our lives in harmony.

The Swordsmanship : Wisdom

Wisdom is the art where we understand the motions that, our words or action could put in place and what consequences it may force upon us, or our loved ones. Apparently, without wisdom more or less we may become someone who would possibly have answer for all questions but, gradually we might end up creating a problem comprising of all smaller problems. Wisdom is perused by all but only attained by those who are willing to understand the potential of their own knowledge.

We all have the tool of knowledge and now sharpen the edges by having the best knowledge possibly available and we only know it by knowing that learning never ends, we can and will encounter new situation everyday, just pay attention to it and gather as much knowledge as possible. Now, know how to attain wisdom which is not an easy task but we can always start by understanding when an answer has to be given, what is the most appropriate time, maybe it is now or tomorrow or could also be never, think faster and smarter, not eventually but gradually we would be able to conquer over the best of the best out there in this world. "Without Wisdom, Knowledge is Either Useless or Destructive". Choose wisely and live freely....Cheers !!!

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Friday 23 March 2018

Impeccable life, this is the desire we all dream of and many of us achieve it as well but the means of obtaining it, matters the most. During the medieval era, even the noble knights were promised that they would be forgiven for their sins, which they utilized remarkably. Today, we somehow uses the same analogy to take the shortest path to achieve our desires.

Shortest path to our desires...


Are we sure, that we are willing to commit something that would maybe change our entire lives for good but would cause something horrific to the other being, we all are humans, we are born to struggle our way out of life and only hard work is what can get us to, what we desire. Doing wrong with someone for our own desire is like, taking the food out of someone else's mouth but to only overfeed ourselves.


We did not mean that to happen with other person, this the most trickiest one. Most of us uses such phrases when we realize that our actions has caused horrors in someone else's life however, we always know it in our consciousness, about repercussion our action would possibly cause but we choose to ignore it. This thin line separates us from being selfless, and being selfish.

The only being we deceive is our self, we have to repent for the path we choose as we always have a toll for a shorter and faster path, even though we end up waiting for our turn at the booth. What I am emphasizing on is, that there is only one short path to our desires, for we are only worthy of it if we are willing to keep ourselves patient and work hard enough till the end. "Whenever you realize you have made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it". Stay patient, work hard and live freely....Cheers !!!

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Thursday 22 March 2018

A bitter truth or a sweet lie, which one would we all prefer. Most of us would choose the bitter truth even though the sweet lie is what most of us embrace, let's talk a little about January & December today. The only thing common among them is, they both are cold !!!

Two Brothers : January and December....


An Angel, It emphasizes on all the exquisite aspects of life and give us the motivation to peruse all the desires, most of them are created to be fulfilled and award us with a glorious life ahead. We feel unconquerable as we have all the resources at our disposal so that we do not have to bow down to any obstacle that comes along the journey and obtain what is rightfully our own. This happens to be the most adorable aspect of January however, is it really true ???


A Demon, It bluntly says it on our face for all the desires we once thought we could obtain, apparently they were rightfully our own but were we able to conquer them or they were just lost along the journey, we are not supposed to bow down to any obstacle or to feel that way at all, however this one can and will say everything on our face for the journey we have completed. This is the most hateful aspect of December however, is this the truth ???

This is what happens every year in our lives, we start making new promises and resolutions in January however most of the things turns out to be different by December. I would tell you a secret, they both are brothers and when we make promises or resolutions by January, January conveys all of them to December, apparently they make a bet and December makes that journey as hard as possible with the different levels which are also known as February, March and so on.

The bitter truth is, It's we who gives the opportunity to December to say it all on our face and the sweet lie is, The way we make excuses for not being able to fulfill the desires. Now, why do we get so lost along the journey and forget the motivation January equips us with, we must never take a halt for what we truly seek as is it, rightfully our own. Never give up and live freely...Cheers !!!

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Wednesday 21 March 2018

Petrichor, the fragrance when it rains, which uplifts us into a realm of it's own to remind us of how beautiful this life is, a place of solitude where all the negative thoughts go for an errand. Maybe, not all of us would have the same thought for rain, some of us really hate it as well however there is no harm in trying !!!

Rain..A Beautiful Reminder....

When it rains, it brings back so many old memories since childhood, where everything was about enjoyment and eventually getting scolded by our parents, however we always had a way with it. Those raindrops and getting all drenched, all on purpose than playing with the water and that was not a very clean water back then, now I realize why we fell sick afterwards.

Sometimes, we need to learn a few traits from little us, I mean from the time when we were children. We must let that willingness to enjoy take over ourselves, without thinking about the consequences but to only seize the moment in our memories (some might prefer smartphones as well which I suggest not to) and live it to the fullest, for we barely get such opportunities nowadays.

We keep remembering our old days and wonder if we could ever live those days, why "IF", we must get up and do it otherwise we would die wondering someday.

Now, for those of us who do not like getting drenched in the rain but still enjoy watching it from their homes with a cup of tea, for once I would suggest to go out and enjoy the rain for what it's worth we can have that cup of tea afterwards as well. "Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness, has never danced in the rain", the child within us also has to be untamed every once in a while. Love rain and live freely...Cheers !!!

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Tuesday 20 March 2018

A hope, for our life could embark us on a journey thru a dark and cold forest which has the capabilities to confine us within it's darkness, that is when optimism becomes the lantern or even the chainsaw that we need to get out of the misery !!!


We have been living in the world where we face challenges everyday, it could be personal or professional but that is a part of everyone's life. Optimism is not something which we can buy or can be gifted, it is something which comes from within ourselves as a privilege. To be optimistic simply means, to never loose hope that everything would be better in the end.

Being optimistic is good but even better when it becomes our trait, optimism is barely needed under the circumstances that are in our favor, rather it is required when nothing can be controlled and we have to swiftly move forward with the flow of time.

We need to realize that the only thing constant in our lives is "Change" for it is permanent and it could be creating good or maybe bad circumstances but the time shall pass and the light of hope would always reflect upon us, without optimism we would possibly imprison ourselves in our own thoughts without any chances of survival.

We must always keep that spark enlightened should we ever need it, what I am emphasizing on is that we are optimistic only till the time we are comfortable in a situation but the fact is, we need to be optimistic during the desperate times, just tell yourself that "the future can be better than the present, and I have the power to make it so", be optimistic and live freely...Cheers !!!

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Monday 19 March 2018

A weight, something that can potentially feed on our soul and crush us till we are barely alive, having said that, we all are the warriors of this era and nothing in this world shall defeat us. Let's see how can we turn this weight into dust and roast few peanuts in it !!!

The weight on our chest...

Why ???

Why did it happen ??, many of us keep asking this question from ourselves, for why it happened, there is a very simple answer to it that it happened because it had to, what I want to say is why cannot we tell ourselves that it has happened and let's accept that fact. Just get over it !!!

If !!!

If I would not have been there or If I could have done things differently !!!, we cannot change time or even if we could that situation would still not change because it is supposed to happen or maybe it would get replaced by something even more horrific, it would be hilarious in future when we are going to sit and think about it, that why did we waste our time grieving to impossible possibilities. Remember, as per Murphy's Law "anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. What would happen in future if we do not get our lives back today. Just go on and enjoy life while we still can !!!

We deny the facts and isolate ourselves out of sheer anger, then we delinquent time till there is no possibility to bargain, that is when we feel that weight of depression getting heavier upon our soul however eventually, we are going to accept the facts and move on, but maybe after wasting few days, months or even years. Let us simply replace the first step with the last one by having the thought that how would these things impact us in the future, would this really matter after a few years, ultimately we would save a lot of time by this process and would be able to utilize it elsewhere. "Hardship often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny", choose wisely and live freely...Cheers !!!

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