Life is inevitable, however our tenacity to deal with the circumstances defines our destiny. Choose wisely and live freely...Cheers !!!

Thursday 29 March 2018

Yes, Trust is a belief that not even millionaires can buy. Today, we all would discuss an aspect of life which we ourselves cannot afford at times but we always try our best to have this belief intact till the time it is fruitful to us and that is a bitter truth, trust me !!!

Trust : A Luxury not everyone can afford...

We define trust in many forms, ways and methods. To simply put it together, we ourselves get confused with trust and lie, what I believe in, that if I trust someone it does not mean that the other person would not lie to me, however would not lie about me to someone else or not even me for that matter. We sometimes accuse someone of not being trustworthy only for a reason that the other person lied about themselves or someone else, let us ask ourselves "Did the other person lie about us ?" and the answer would get clarity in a few seconds within our head.

It does not makes them untrustworthy if they lie about their friends or family, if that person has to lie than maybe that person has keep someone else's trust as well by hiding their secrets from you. "Would we want our secrets 
to be shared with someone else like that ?"

I hope we are able to understand this, it is quite confusing which I am very well aware of but "no giving up". If we want a trustworthy person to be there in our lives than firstly, let us become a trustworthy person for someone else, we start this by keeping someone's trust and we get the favor returned. I am not really a fan of Mahatma Gandhi but I like what he said "Be the change you want to see in the world".

Now, the worst part, My trust was betrayed or what if the other person betrays my trust. I am not asking anyone to blindly trust a stranger but to give time for the trust to flourish. It would be tough and we would be betrayed as well but we can never let this stop us from being human and ultimately a person who betrays the trust would also get betrayed someday just remember the The Infinite Phenomenon. "Life Without A Trustworthy Companion, Is Like A Currency Without Denomination, Worthless". Trust wisely and live freely...Cheers !!!

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Monday 26 March 2018

A tool, that is what a sword is perhaps it is the art of swordsmanship which gives the ability to fiercely pierce thru the fearsome opponents, relatively knowledge is also a tool however without wisdom it is as good as it never existed.
The Knowledge and The Wisdom

The Sword : Knowledge

Knowledge is about the information that we can obtain either by books or investigations, that can and will help us in our future to attain right answers for when and if they are needed, we all must focus on gathering as much knowledge as possible, we can always learn from ourselves or the people around us. We just need an open mind to see and learn every prospect of life for it is a tool that we all must acquire to live our lives in harmony.

The Swordsmanship : Wisdom

Wisdom is the art where we understand the motions that, our words or action could put in place and what consequences it may force upon us, or our loved ones. Apparently, without wisdom more or less we may become someone who would possibly have answer for all questions but, gradually we might end up creating a problem comprising of all smaller problems. Wisdom is perused by all but only attained by those who are willing to understand the potential of their own knowledge.

We all have the tool of knowledge and now sharpen the edges by having the best knowledge possibly available and we only know it by knowing that learning never ends, we can and will encounter new situation everyday, just pay attention to it and gather as much knowledge as possible. Now, know how to attain wisdom which is not an easy task but we can always start by understanding when an answer has to be given, what is the most appropriate time, maybe it is now or tomorrow or could also be never, think faster and smarter, not eventually but gradually we would be able to conquer over the best of the best out there in this world. "Without Wisdom, Knowledge is Either Useless or Destructive". Choose wisely and live freely....Cheers !!!

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Friday 23 March 2018

Impeccable life, this is the desire we all dream of and many of us achieve it as well but the means of obtaining it, matters the most. During the medieval era, even the noble knights were promised that they would be forgiven for their sins, which they utilized remarkably. Today, we somehow uses the same analogy to take the shortest path to achieve our desires.

Shortest path to our desires...


Are we sure, that we are willing to commit something that would maybe change our entire lives for good but would cause something horrific to the other being, we all are humans, we are born to struggle our way out of life and only hard work is what can get us to, what we desire. Doing wrong with someone for our own desire is like, taking the food out of someone else's mouth but to only overfeed ourselves.


We did not mean that to happen with other person, this the most trickiest one. Most of us uses such phrases when we realize that our actions has caused horrors in someone else's life however, we always know it in our consciousness, about repercussion our action would possibly cause but we choose to ignore it. This thin line separates us from being selfless, and being selfish.

The only being we deceive is our self, we have to repent for the path we choose as we always have a toll for a shorter and faster path, even though we end up waiting for our turn at the booth. What I am emphasizing on is, that there is only one short path to our desires, for we are only worthy of it if we are willing to keep ourselves patient and work hard enough till the end. "Whenever you realize you have made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it". Stay patient, work hard and live freely....Cheers !!!

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Thursday 22 March 2018

A bitter truth or a sweet lie, which one would we all prefer. Most of us would choose the bitter truth even though the sweet lie is what most of us embrace, let's talk a little about January & December today. The only thing common among them is, they both are cold !!!

Two Brothers : January and December....


An Angel, It emphasizes on all the exquisite aspects of life and give us the motivation to peruse all the desires, most of them are created to be fulfilled and award us with a glorious life ahead. We feel unconquerable as we have all the resources at our disposal so that we do not have to bow down to any obstacle that comes along the journey and obtain what is rightfully our own. This happens to be the most adorable aspect of January however, is it really true ???


A Demon, It bluntly says it on our face for all the desires we once thought we could obtain, apparently they were rightfully our own but were we able to conquer them or they were just lost along the journey, we are not supposed to bow down to any obstacle or to feel that way at all, however this one can and will say everything on our face for the journey we have completed. This is the most hateful aspect of December however, is this the truth ???

This is what happens every year in our lives, we start making new promises and resolutions in January however most of the things turns out to be different by December. I would tell you a secret, they both are brothers and when we make promises or resolutions by January, January conveys all of them to December, apparently they make a bet and December makes that journey as hard as possible with the different levels which are also known as February, March and so on.

The bitter truth is, It's we who gives the opportunity to December to say it all on our face and the sweet lie is, The way we make excuses for not being able to fulfill the desires. Now, why do we get so lost along the journey and forget the motivation January equips us with, we must never take a halt for what we truly seek as is it, rightfully our own. Never give up and live freely...Cheers !!!

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Wednesday 21 March 2018

Petrichor, the fragrance when it rains, which uplifts us into a realm of it's own to remind us of how beautiful this life is, a place of solitude where all the negative thoughts go for an errand. Maybe, not all of us would have the same thought for rain, some of us really hate it as well however there is no harm in trying !!!

Rain..A Beautiful Reminder....

When it rains, it brings back so many old memories since childhood, where everything was about enjoyment and eventually getting scolded by our parents, however we always had a way with it. Those raindrops and getting all drenched, all on purpose than playing with the water and that was not a very clean water back then, now I realize why we fell sick afterwards.

Sometimes, we need to learn a few traits from little us, I mean from the time when we were children. We must let that willingness to enjoy take over ourselves, without thinking about the consequences but to only seize the moment in our memories (some might prefer smartphones as well which I suggest not to) and live it to the fullest, for we barely get such opportunities nowadays.

We keep remembering our old days and wonder if we could ever live those days, why "IF", we must get up and do it otherwise we would die wondering someday.

Now, for those of us who do not like getting drenched in the rain but still enjoy watching it from their homes with a cup of tea, for once I would suggest to go out and enjoy the rain for what it's worth we can have that cup of tea afterwards as well. "Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness, has never danced in the rain", the child within us also has to be untamed every once in a while. Love rain and live freely...Cheers !!!

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Tuesday 20 March 2018

A hope, for our life could embark us on a journey thru a dark and cold forest which has the capabilities to confine us within it's darkness, that is when optimism becomes the lantern or even the chainsaw that we need to get out of the misery !!!


We have been living in the world where we face challenges everyday, it could be personal or professional but that is a part of everyone's life. Optimism is not something which we can buy or can be gifted, it is something which comes from within ourselves as a privilege. To be optimistic simply means, to never loose hope that everything would be better in the end.

Being optimistic is good but even better when it becomes our trait, optimism is barely needed under the circumstances that are in our favor, rather it is required when nothing can be controlled and we have to swiftly move forward with the flow of time.

We need to realize that the only thing constant in our lives is "Change" for it is permanent and it could be creating good or maybe bad circumstances but the time shall pass and the light of hope would always reflect upon us, without optimism we would possibly imprison ourselves in our own thoughts without any chances of survival.

We must always keep that spark enlightened should we ever need it, what I am emphasizing on is that we are optimistic only till the time we are comfortable in a situation but the fact is, we need to be optimistic during the desperate times, just tell yourself that "the future can be better than the present, and I have the power to make it so", be optimistic and live freely...Cheers !!!

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Monday 19 March 2018

A weight, something that can potentially feed on our soul and crush us till we are barely alive, having said that, we all are the warriors of this era and nothing in this world shall defeat us. Let's see how can we turn this weight into dust and roast few peanuts in it !!!

The weight on our chest...

Why ???

Why did it happen ??, many of us keep asking this question from ourselves, for why it happened, there is a very simple answer to it that it happened because it had to, what I want to say is why cannot we tell ourselves that it has happened and let's accept that fact. Just get over it !!!

If !!!

If I would not have been there or If I could have done things differently !!!, we cannot change time or even if we could that situation would still not change because it is supposed to happen or maybe it would get replaced by something even more horrific, it would be hilarious in future when we are going to sit and think about it, that why did we waste our time grieving to impossible possibilities. Remember, as per Murphy's Law "anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. What would happen in future if we do not get our lives back today. Just go on and enjoy life while we still can !!!

We deny the facts and isolate ourselves out of sheer anger, then we delinquent time till there is no possibility to bargain, that is when we feel that weight of depression getting heavier upon our soul however eventually, we are going to accept the facts and move on, but maybe after wasting few days, months or even years. Let us simply replace the first step with the last one by having the thought that how would these things impact us in the future, would this really matter after a few years, ultimately we would save a lot of time by this process and would be able to utilize it elsewhere. "Hardship often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny", choose wisely and live freely...Cheers !!!

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Sunday 18 March 2018

Friendship, it is the deal with devil..Just kidding. Friends, they the are the people around us who give us fortitude during the times when everything seems to go south or it can also be the people who caused everything to go south. Let's see what friendship really is...

Lifeguard : Friendship !!!

Childhood/School Friends

Little once, when we were young we had a lot of friends and shared a lot of memories from being a toddler to our adulthood, we shared, cared even cheered whenever needed. Childhood friends might as well be the only friends who knows more about us,then ourselves and the friends with whom we can be what we are. Never let them go, we might need them someday again !!!

College Friends

Despicable times, now it took us long to reflect our true monstrosity to this world. They are the friends with whom we committed unspeakable horrors in the darkness and we failed many times along the way, nonetheless that was the time that made us smart to be precise, which included a lot tough times which can be financial matters (we all were broke except the rich ones) and few heart aches for some of us, but our friends taught us who to trust and who cannot be trusted. Always keep the trustworthy ones, at the speed dial !!!!

Professional Friends

Life till retirement, it is now the time for all the knowledge we have, has to be burnt and to rise as wisdom. We have all the resources at our disposal but we need to attain the wisdom to when and how to utilize them, that is when we have friends to guide us for, we have to become wiser after every day of our lives and these friends are the most important part that journey and eventually we would retire someday to have solace, but the quest never ends. Have these friends always by your side !!!

Some of us has the same friends in all stages or maybe different friends at all stages and not all friends would keep our trust intact, but that is a choice they made, we may or may not be in touch with many of them but when "A friend in need, is a friend indeed", the crux is "Side by side or miles apart, real friends are always close to the heart". Never loose them but choose them wisely...Cheers !!!

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Saturday 17 March 2018

Career, something everyone focuses on to attain a living standard which is envied by others or to even contribute in the development of our society. Many of us work on it since our childhood and achieve the goals within stipulated time, however not everyone see the same fate, some of us realize that we must focus on our career post the statute of limitation, which is quite humorous, let's think how could we overcome these emotions.

Career : The Future Unfolds !!!

It is Late

Indeed, however being late is merely an excuse created by our brains to avoid the struggle of being utilized, we must pursue it whenever we realize that we could have achieved far beyond from what we have, if we could have done it differently. Perhaps, we should not get into this dilemma after our (Just kidding) retirement but is it still not late. If not for anyone else than let us just prove it to yourselves !!!!

It is not Easy

Now, no one ever said that life is going to be an easy quest, if we have this thought than we are already a survivor of most of what life could offer, no one can question our strength other than ourselves, we make everything easy as well as hard, it is only "mind over matter". Just go for it !!!!

No Time

Seriously, that is the best we could come up with after all this, when we have already condemned half or maybe more than half of our lives, if we have time to eat, sleep, work and repeat then we also have time for studies. Let us take a stand for what we desire and pursue it with our blood, sweat and efforts and achieve it. We deserve it !!!!

"When we wake up, we have 02 choices, go back to sleep and dream or wake up and chase those dreams". Choose wisely, live freely...Cheers !!!!

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Thursday 15 March 2018

Karma, you get served what you deserve, karma is a bitch and many more are used to define it, but do we realize the true definition.....?

Whenever in life, something wrong happens to us we curse the doers with our heart and soul but what really happens ..!

We may or may not witness the hardship other person would embrace but we would still curse that person, let's accept the fact that we need to forgive and move forward with our life. If, not for us then for the people around us. Apparently, they suffer more than us for the circumstances created by our actions to seek what is inevitable. As said by Confucius "before you embark on the journey of revenge, dig two Graves". Either the other grave is for us or for our soul, only one shall survive.

Karma is never about waiting to have the other person suffer or making the other person suffer by our doings, karma is more about, how we understand life. One day karma might give us the same governance to seek our abilities to comprehend our impression for life, that would be a choice we would have to embrace and live with or we can be better than the person who once did wrong. Leave the past, in the past.

Forgive, never forget. Be better than anyone and everyone we have ever encountered... Cheers..!

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It is the most beautiful occasion of someone's life, marriages are made in heaven but scrutinized by us....just kidding !!!

Marriage : A Sacred Bond

Marriage has foundation of 03 aspects, we need to have a certain tenacity to conquer these aspects !!


Apparently, the first and foremost important aspect, a couple must respect each other irrespective of the circumstances. Time comes when everyone loose their calm posture and become someone they regret later, just breath and remind yourself that you would never disrespect your partner for that is the only person whom you will see before you would bid your farewell to this journey called "Life".


Trust comes as a profound honor with marriage, but has to kept the same till the last day for only a couple knows what all is hiding in their closet, a couple may never break each other's trust even if everything is about to fall apart, just remember "A smooth sea never made a skillful sailor" and breaking the trust is certain to make the ship drown in an abyss.


Surprised to see this in the end, once other 02 aspects are kept in mind, this aspect would flourish more than a couple could possibly wish for, giving an impeccable life to those who seek to make everyone envy of what they have.

Just reiterating, once any of them are lost, they are not regained easily. Nonetheless "Never Give Up On A Person You Love"....Cheers !!!

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Wednesday 14 March 2018

"We have two Lives, and the second begins when we realize we only have One"

We have two Lives, and the second begins when we realize we only have One !

What is life ???, that's a question we all have asked ourselves on multiple occasions, for me it is the sum of the choices that we made in the quest to explore or enlighten our thoughts. We know our deeds were entirely our choices but we blame others to avoid the guilt perhaps "Guilt is the most painful companion of death", having said that, all we need to understand is that we should take ownership of our actions and forgive ourselves to move forward with it, understanding that it was a mistake made by our former selves and be a better person/human than we were yesterday. Apparently, something easy to say but hard to do.

Today, the lives that we live, we are more materialistic than a human can ever be, maybe it's in best of our interest but is it really worth the losses that we suffer just ask this from yourself. As a human we do not have a companion to share our hard or soft feelings with, we are not therapeutic, what I am emphasizing on is that we should listen and understand the feelings of the others around us and must respond with kindness, the act of kindness will create the bridge to share the feelings both ways and ultimately trust would endeavor. Trust others, get betrayed, but never loose hope there are so many good things in life worth living for, start with family. All families are broken and where is the fun in having a picture perfect family, enjoy every moment for you might not see a day like today again.

Pain is inevitable, however suffering is always a choice !!!!! Do not ever let the pain define you, you define the life you live...We are free to make the choices, however we are not free from the consequences it would create, choose wisely and live freely....Cheers !!!

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