Life is inevitable, however our tenacity to deal with the circumstances defines our destiny. Choose wisely and live freely...Cheers !!!

Sunday 18 March 2018

Lifeguard : Friendship !!!

Friendship, it is the deal with devil..Just kidding. Friends, they the are the people around us who give us fortitude during the times when everything seems to go south or it can also be the people who caused everything to go south. Let's see what friendship really is...

Lifeguard : Friendship !!!

Childhood/School Friends

Little once, when we were young we had a lot of friends and shared a lot of memories from being a toddler to our adulthood, we shared, cared even cheered whenever needed. Childhood friends might as well be the only friends who knows more about us,then ourselves and the friends with whom we can be what we are. Never let them go, we might need them someday again !!!

College Friends

Despicable times, now it took us long to reflect our true monstrosity to this world. They are the friends with whom we committed unspeakable horrors in the darkness and we failed many times along the way, nonetheless that was the time that made us smart to be precise, which included a lot tough times which can be financial matters (we all were broke except the rich ones) and few heart aches for some of us, but our friends taught us who to trust and who cannot be trusted. Always keep the trustworthy ones, at the speed dial !!!!

Professional Friends

Life till retirement, it is now the time for all the knowledge we have, has to be burnt and to rise as wisdom. We have all the resources at our disposal but we need to attain the wisdom to when and how to utilize them, that is when we have friends to guide us for, we have to become wiser after every day of our lives and these friends are the most important part that journey and eventually we would retire someday to have solace, but the quest never ends. Have these friends always by your side !!!

Some of us has the same friends in all stages or maybe different friends at all stages and not all friends would keep our trust intact, but that is a choice they made, we may or may not be in touch with many of them but when "A friend in need, is a friend indeed", the crux is "Side by side or miles apart, real friends are always close to the heart". Never loose them but choose them wisely...Cheers !!!

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