Life is inevitable, however our tenacity to deal with the circumstances defines our destiny. Choose wisely and live freely...Cheers !!!

Sunday 20 May 2018

There is always a time in life when we realize that what we did or what happened was wrong and an infinite time loop begins, so that we can keep bashing ourselves for it, and forget one simple thumb-rule about life that, we have to be wrong to distinguish between wrong and right  !!!

We have to be wrong, to know the difference between wrong and right !!!

What is being wrong !!!

Honestly, it is when we have to convince ourselves that what we are going to do is right at the first place and it can also be done by even telling ourselves that we did it to make things right and so on...or maybe sometimes when it has already happened, then it was out of a reaction to an action. Now, the fact is that, it has already happened and drowning ourselves in that situation would never give a different outcome to it, so if we are wrong let's accept the fact that we were wrong, and it would do most of the work !!!

What is being right !!!

When, we encounter a situation where we think or rather put ourselves in the other person's situation to understand the emotions that the other person may be going thru and responding as per the experiences we had in the past, when we were also there dealing with the same emotions or we may not always understand the emotions that the other person may have been going thru, then we must stay calm and ask !!!, the most simple question in this life, that is to ask "What Happened".

If, we have to go thru a situation now, we should understand that how we need to react, either we would have learned of the outcome the hard way by experiencing it or we could have understood by asking it. Nonetheless, we need to know or give a thought to the outcome of a situation before reacting to it, a vantage point to be precise. Always remember "If a person was never wrong, then it is impossible to be always right". Choose wisely and live freely.....Cheers!!!

Please share your thoughts as well and do not forget to connect with me using the icons in the sidebar or find me on Facebook and Twitter by @lifebyavi, you can subscribe with your email address as well.. Thank you !

Sunday 13 May 2018


By the time I realized that my father was right, I already have a child, who thinks I'm wrong.!!!

Is this true or merely a thought perceived by our consciousness, let's find it out!!

A father is someone who is tough, rude, arrogant and what not to be or maybe as delicate as a thinnest sheet of the glass in this world, do we realize now that maybe, all of it was necessary to make sure the child is prepared for this world as this world is not a fairyland and it could shatter every positive vibe a person may have cherished since childhood, apparently it is something which needs a lot of courage since a father need to break a few dreams to create a person who is tougher than this world so the child could conquer the dreams that are needed and not deviating from the reality of this world.

Now, when we look back and think of our childhood we see ourselves as someone who even ate food only for the reason that "dad may get angry", we laugh at those moments and we also peruse the same notion to ensure that the child learns the same and never forget the priorities when the time would come to do the same.

A father puts the food on table and also makes sure that the family stays healthy and wealthy as much as possible, irrespective of the circumstances we may encounter.

Honestly, we enjoyed our lives under his kingdom but as of now we merely breath to prove our existence, it may be our turn to return the favor by doing the same with the child, to teach the lesson of life that failing is not a choice, but never giving up is THE CHOICE WE HAVE TO MAKE !!!

It is a tough and a kind of "jack fruit" responsibility, but we may have come far enough to realize that "A Father is the Predecessor and A child is the Successor, of his legacy"....choose wisely and live freely...cheers !!!

Please share your thoughts as well and do not forget to connect with me. Also, please leave it in the comments below, if you would like me to write about something in particular.. Thank you for reading !

Monday 7 May 2018

Finally, we have concluded for who makes this world better or who makes it worse. This is the conclusion for Earth : Dominated by Men or Women !, first of all I would like to thank all the people who helped me to conclude it, I received messages from many people. Hence, thank you all for making it possible for me to write the conclusion.

Earth : Dominated by Men or Women : Conclusion

Now, there were few people who kept saying that men causes the world to show its worst face to us by oppressing women with their power upon them, sometimes it is mentally and even physically at times but the men does that and the oppressed someday rise and bad things happen which was ultimately caused because of what men did, for which men should be held guilty and only women makes this world a better place !!!

Then, Few were quite inclined with their thought that women uses their sympathy and have the men proved guilty even before the trial which causes for the men to start doing the same things for which they were falsely implicated and women should be the one to be held guilty, and only men makes this world a better place !!!

A few even emphasized that it the God who is taking the earth to this phase of terror, and the God should be held guilty !!!

Seriously, I really appreciate your response and taking out time for it but, why are we only playing blame games ??

Every individual is responsible for his or her own actions and God gave free will to even the Angels, now who do we blame ??, we all are to be held responsible for every right and every wrong thing that happens in this world.

This cannot be gender specific, we all has worked together in making this world a peaceful place and it is only us who must keep working together without blaming each other, we all have our responsibilities, there are women who pay all the bills and there are men who takes care of household but it only becomes tough when we start counting our responsibilities or start naming them !!!

The Conclusion is, The earth is dominated by humans !!!

Choose wisely and live freely...Cheers !!!

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