Life is inevitable, however our tenacity to deal with the circumstances defines our destiny. Choose wisely and live freely...Cheers !!!

Sunday 20 May 2018

We have to be wrong, to know the difference between wrong and right !!!

There is always a time in life when we realize that what we did or what happened was wrong and an infinite time loop begins, so that we can keep bashing ourselves for it, and forget one simple thumb-rule about life that, we have to be wrong to distinguish between wrong and right  !!!

We have to be wrong, to know the difference between wrong and right !!!

What is being wrong !!!

Honestly, it is when we have to convince ourselves that what we are going to do is right at the first place and it can also be done by even telling ourselves that we did it to make things right and so on...or maybe sometimes when it has already happened, then it was out of a reaction to an action. Now, the fact is that, it has already happened and drowning ourselves in that situation would never give a different outcome to it, so if we are wrong let's accept the fact that we were wrong, and it would do most of the work !!!

What is being right !!!

When, we encounter a situation where we think or rather put ourselves in the other person's situation to understand the emotions that the other person may be going thru and responding as per the experiences we had in the past, when we were also there dealing with the same emotions or we may not always understand the emotions that the other person may have been going thru, then we must stay calm and ask !!!, the most simple question in this life, that is to ask "What Happened".

If, we have to go thru a situation now, we should understand that how we need to react, either we would have learned of the outcome the hard way by experiencing it or we could have understood by asking it. Nonetheless, we need to know or give a thought to the outcome of a situation before reacting to it, a vantage point to be precise. Always remember "If a person was never wrong, then it is impossible to be always right". Choose wisely and live freely.....Cheers!!!

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