Life is inevitable, however our tenacity to deal with the circumstances defines our destiny. Choose wisely and live freely...Cheers !!!

Sunday 17 March 2019

Why To Pursue The Unendurable
We all have asked this question from ourselves and the most effortless answer is "because you can".

Apparently, we all possess an emotion to achieve something, which could be a pursuit to gain an impeccable identity or to at least make a difference or even to be rich. However, this pursuit suffocates in the dilemma of "What, How and Why should I do it". Hence, we would discuss about them to attain what we pursue.

What : Have you ever felt passionate towards something? It could be associated to anything, such as reading, writing, acting, singing, travelling and so on. If someone hasn't found their "what" then embrace it by recognizing what gives you peace during the time of chaos.

Everyone has their own mechanism of dealing with chaos, if or when it is manifested by the circumstances. Mostly, this mechanism is our "What" we should do.  All we need to do is, to turn that chaos into solitude.

Why or How : This is not easy, never was and never will be. We all have someone who inspires us, it can be an inventor or a philanthropist or someone unrecognized by most of us. Hence, we would discuss about few of them.

Steve Jobs : He was one of the founders of Apple Inc. However, if we have read about him then we know the life he been thru for a better end. A report from FBI indicated that he even used Marijuana and LSD during his college days and this was "one of the two or three most important things" he had done in his life.

Warren Edward Buffett : I am sure most of us knows about him. However, he is a philanthropist who pledged to give away 99 percent of his fortune for better causes whereas he is considered as as one of the most successful investors in the world. This person was inspired by a book when he was seven years old.

Harvey Ross Ball : We all use Smiley figure, and this was the guy who invented it. How many of us knew this ? moreover, he was a retired Brigadier General and served in World War II. Also, he created this smiley figure to to increase morale.

There is only one emotion common among all of them. They found solitude in their chaos and were persistent to pursue what they wanted.

I personally perceive their notion as "they knew that if they won't do it, someone else would". It is less about how we started but more about how we end it.

My preposition is, that we would always question the reasons for why we should do it, but the extensive question is why should we not pursue it. Choose Wisely and Live Freely...Cheers !!!

Please share your thoughts as well and do not forget to connect with me. Also, please leave it in the comments below, if you would like me to write about something in particular.. Thank you !

Sunday 10 March 2019

Why/How are storms named
Thank you everyone, for your active participation in concluding my previous blog "Why Storm Names Are Female ?"

I would start by sharing thoughts of a few men and a few women as well.

Men : They started with first gesture as they deserve to be named after such incidents, rather they should even be named on more catastrophic events that takes place in the world/universe.

Women : They were quite calm while stating that this is a myth, they are named after females so that men would understand the true vigor of a women, and reconsider before retaliating against us.

Truthfully, I sometimes relish writing about such concepts which includes opinion from others i.e Men Vs Women being the most astonishing concept. The reaction I get is similar to a world war (Just Kidding).

Needless to say, the responses were amusing and as I stated in my previous blog I shall now elaborate for Why/How are storms named ?

Why : Initially, before 1950 the concept of naming the storm was not into existence, and the storms were designated as per the latitude-longitude. This was easier for the meteorologist to understand, however it was something closest to rocket science for a person like us to understand i.e 27.6648° N, 81.5158° W is the latitude-longitude of Florida, now how many of us can really memorize this. Hence, they started naming them so the communication related to any storm could be shared effectively.

How : Now, when they agreed to name them. First they started naming them after alphabets e.g. Able, Baker, Charlie and so on, however they later realized around 1953 that this would create confusion due to repeated names every year. Hence, they started naming them with different names and by 1979 they already had the concept wherein they have list for upcoming storms as well, which includes names of both, male and female. Although, it started with only female names and it took a lot of efforts to have this list established.

World Meteorological Organization manages the list of names for the storms and there are 06 lists which are used in rotation, with the names to omitted upon devastated damage they may have caused.

My proposition is to never discriminate someone for being similar to something as catastrophic as a storm. Always remember "It is only humans who must stand together, if we must survive any cataclysmic event". Choose wisely and live freely...Cheers !!!

Please share your thoughts as well and do not forget to connect with me using the icons in the sidebar or find me on Facebook and Twitter by @lifebyavi, you can subscribe with your email address as well.. Thank you !

Sunday 3 March 2019

I have heard a hypothesis that the World War III is about to begin and eventually it would bring prosperity to our world. Moreover, I have seen people being considerate to have war to attain peace.

War : The Religion of Peace

Somehow, I despise the conviction that there could ever be peace with this belief. Have we not learned anything from the history?

Please find facts from a few wars till now :

World War I : The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I were about 40 million: estimates range from 15 to 19 million deaths and about 23 million wounded military personnel.

World War II : An estimated total 70-85 million people perished, which was about 3% of the 1940 world population. Civilians deaths totaled 50 to 55 million. Military deaths from all causes totaled 21 to 25 million. 

Please look at the numbers closely, more or nearly half of them are civilians. Which is also known as collateral damage of a war, this should be sufficient enough to jog anyone's memories for the so called peace attained from a war. Hence, someone who is not a military personnel, I would request them to keep their expert advises limited to reality shows and sports. Otherwise, please join the military and then go for a war.

I do not have any intent to criticize the patriotism of any individual, I am rather inclined to give a bold reaction to anyone who does or even say anything against my country. However, I do not prefer insisting anyone that there must be a war.

Please ask from someone's family who has lost their loved ones in a war, if they would ever prefer to have a war again. There are instances when a family grieved in the loss and appealed for a war to never happen again, but even they were criticized to have such a thought.

We must protest for our opinion to be heard, but the opinion must be considerate towards a better tomorrow, not for a war. We must always be ready for a war, however we must never propose for a war to start.

Terror is a thought and we all must work together to end this thought, wherein a war would have collateral damage which could create even more people who would retaliate and may as well become a part of a terror group. Hence, the thought of terror would remain intact which would give birth to more terrorist organizations.

Even Hilter would have never thought that he was wrong. It is the history which decides, for who was wrong or right.

Nonetheless, every country has a president or ministers or diplomats or bureaucrats who has wisdom beyond my comprehension. Hence, my only preposition is to be considerate towards eliminating this thought.

A War, indeed can be a religion of peace but only if, we can influence people to not to have a war and to work towards eliminating the thought of terror. Choose wisely and live freely...Cheers !!!

Please share your thoughts as well and do not forget to connect with me using the icons in the sidebar or find me on Facebook and Twitter by @lifebyavi, you can subscribe with your email address as well.. Thank you !