Life is inevitable, however our tenacity to deal with the circumstances defines our destiny. Choose wisely and live freely...Cheers !!!

Sunday 10 March 2019

Why/How are storms named : Conclusion

Why/How are storms named
Thank you everyone, for your active participation in concluding my previous blog "Why Storm Names Are Female ?"

I would start by sharing thoughts of a few men and a few women as well.

Men : They started with first gesture as they deserve to be named after such incidents, rather they should even be named on more catastrophic events that takes place in the world/universe.

Women : They were quite calm while stating that this is a myth, they are named after females so that men would understand the true vigor of a women, and reconsider before retaliating against us.

Truthfully, I sometimes relish writing about such concepts which includes opinion from others i.e Men Vs Women being the most astonishing concept. The reaction I get is similar to a world war (Just Kidding).

Needless to say, the responses were amusing and as I stated in my previous blog I shall now elaborate for Why/How are storms named ?

Why : Initially, before 1950 the concept of naming the storm was not into existence, and the storms were designated as per the latitude-longitude. This was easier for the meteorologist to understand, however it was something closest to rocket science for a person like us to understand i.e 27.6648° N, 81.5158° W is the latitude-longitude of Florida, now how many of us can really memorize this. Hence, they started naming them so the communication related to any storm could be shared effectively.

How : Now, when they agreed to name them. First they started naming them after alphabets e.g. Able, Baker, Charlie and so on, however they later realized around 1953 that this would create confusion due to repeated names every year. Hence, they started naming them with different names and by 1979 they already had the concept wherein they have list for upcoming storms as well, which includes names of both, male and female. Although, it started with only female names and it took a lot of efforts to have this list established.

World Meteorological Organization manages the list of names for the storms and there are 06 lists which are used in rotation, with the names to omitted upon devastated damage they may have caused.

My proposition is to never discriminate someone for being similar to something as catastrophic as a storm. Always remember "It is only humans who must stand together, if we must survive any cataclysmic event". Choose wisely and live freely...Cheers !!!

Please share your thoughts as well and do not forget to connect with me using the icons in the sidebar or find me on Facebook and Twitter by @lifebyavi, you can subscribe with your email address as well.. Thank you !

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