Life is inevitable, however our tenacity to deal with the circumstances defines our destiny. Choose wisely and live freely...Cheers !!!

Sunday 16 December 2018

Life, which is nonetheless a book of adventures and it is not because of its iconic perfection but for its ironic perfections. WHO,WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY and HOW ?, we all realize it in our daily lives to be precise but we deceive ourselves in accepting it and today, let's explore that specific irony of life which make our lives a book of adventures. Also, one of my friend suggested me to write about this aspect of life.


Who does it revolves around, let's make a guess, what about our family or a friend or a neighbor or a foe or an acquaintance. Honestly, it is only about us, who else would our life be about? We see everything, we notice everyone however we barely realize the reality of the way we have constructed our lives.


What am I talking about, we all wake up in morning, afternoon or even at night and what do we do afterwords, we would either go to our workplace or maybe we would be luckily on our off but there is one aspect common among all, that is the monotony.


Now, we are talking about the location. It could be our home, office or maybe outside but aren't we following the same pattern. If we are going to workplace, we would work then go home and sleep. About a day if we are on off, we would prefer to stay home to take rest and sometimes, we would go out since we had enough of work during the working days. This is the location for most of us, isn't it ?


Not a lot to say about it but, It is every moment of our lives which we assume to be under our own obedience whereas it is obedient to the moment we all are obliged with.


This is easy, the only reason we are bounded by this is because, most of us are addicted to this life of monotonous events. We do not accept the changes since most of us are not ready to adopt the unpredictable situation that we encounter.


How could we do this ? even i fail to comprehend this, hence I would need your suggestion to complete this blog.

How could we be like this?

Let's take an idle working day for an example : We wake up, get ready then have our meal or maybe we would skip it for some reason, afterwards we somehow manage to reach our workplace but we may have already had an argument with someone for no valid reason or maybe not, then we would work and in the meanwhile we might as well take rest or have meal in idle time but by end of the day we would lay down to only recall it as another same day before falling asleep.

Please tell me how could we do this to our lives where we bound ourselves to this monotony of life instead of cherishing the irony of life. We all must adopt to the changes or if there aren't any changes then how could we change our lives from a monotonous to a life of adventures since "We weren't born to just pay bills and die or are we.? " . Choose wisely and live freely...Cheers !!!

Please share your thoughts as well and do not forget to connect with me using the icons in the sidebar or find me on Facebook and Twitter by @lifebyavi, you can subscribe with your email address as well.. Thank you !