Life is inevitable, however our tenacity to deal with the circumstances defines our destiny. Choose wisely and live freely...Cheers !!!

Tuesday 20 March 2018

A Few doses of Optimism to stay healthy !!!

A hope, for our life could embark us on a journey thru a dark and cold forest which has the capabilities to confine us within it's darkness, that is when optimism becomes the lantern or even the chainsaw that we need to get out of the misery !!!


We have been living in the world where we face challenges everyday, it could be personal or professional but that is a part of everyone's life. Optimism is not something which we can buy or can be gifted, it is something which comes from within ourselves as a privilege. To be optimistic simply means, to never loose hope that everything would be better in the end.

Being optimistic is good but even better when it becomes our trait, optimism is barely needed under the circumstances that are in our favor, rather it is required when nothing can be controlled and we have to swiftly move forward with the flow of time.

We need to realize that the only thing constant in our lives is "Change" for it is permanent and it could be creating good or maybe bad circumstances but the time shall pass and the light of hope would always reflect upon us, without optimism we would possibly imprison ourselves in our own thoughts without any chances of survival.

We must always keep that spark enlightened should we ever need it, what I am emphasizing on is that we are optimistic only till the time we are comfortable in a situation but the fact is, we need to be optimistic during the desperate times, just tell yourself that "the future can be better than the present, and I have the power to make it so", be optimistic and live freely...Cheers !!!

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