Life is inevitable, however our tenacity to deal with the circumstances defines our destiny. Choose wisely and live freely...Cheers !!!

Monday 26 March 2018

The Sword and The Swordsmanship : The Knowledge and The Wisdom

A tool, that is what a sword is perhaps it is the art of swordsmanship which gives the ability to fiercely pierce thru the fearsome opponents, relatively knowledge is also a tool however without wisdom it is as good as it never existed.
The Knowledge and The Wisdom

The Sword : Knowledge

Knowledge is about the information that we can obtain either by books or investigations, that can and will help us in our future to attain right answers for when and if they are needed, we all must focus on gathering as much knowledge as possible, we can always learn from ourselves or the people around us. We just need an open mind to see and learn every prospect of life for it is a tool that we all must acquire to live our lives in harmony.

The Swordsmanship : Wisdom

Wisdom is the art where we understand the motions that, our words or action could put in place and what consequences it may force upon us, or our loved ones. Apparently, without wisdom more or less we may become someone who would possibly have answer for all questions but, gradually we might end up creating a problem comprising of all smaller problems. Wisdom is perused by all but only attained by those who are willing to understand the potential of their own knowledge.

We all have the tool of knowledge and now sharpen the edges by having the best knowledge possibly available and we only know it by knowing that learning never ends, we can and will encounter new situation everyday, just pay attention to it and gather as much knowledge as possible. Now, know how to attain wisdom which is not an easy task but we can always start by understanding when an answer has to be given, what is the most appropriate time, maybe it is now or tomorrow or could also be never, think faster and smarter, not eventually but gradually we would be able to conquer over the best of the best out there in this world. "Without Wisdom, Knowledge is Either Useless or Destructive". Choose wisely and live freely....Cheers !!!

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