Life is inevitable, however our tenacity to deal with the circumstances defines our destiny. Choose wisely and live freely...Cheers !!!

Saturday 14 April 2018

Divorce : The Die Verse

Poetry, it is a word which could be used to define life as resemblance in both is remarkably recognizable, as similar to poetry life also has multiple verses which may or at times may not rhyme well but ultimately keeps defining our lives. Today I am inclined to discuss a verse of our lives which may or may not be written in everyone's fate but we all have reached to that thought for at least once in our lives, that is the divorce or die verse as I would emphasize on calling it.
Divorce : The Die Verse

Divorce or Die Verse is a decision mostly taken out of sheer anger or to gain control over the other person or in some cases it can be because of someone else, I have been talking to lot of people over the same matter and I could realize that many of them were angry or wanted to gain control over the other person and this is not specific to a gender, it can be either of them, they wanted to make a threat and somehow that threat did not serve its purpose and started the clash of the egos for "who owns whom", gradually things keep getting worse as the time goes by and eventually making it impossible to reconcile  !!!

We live in the era where time goes faster then life and we try to control life instead of managing time. We even lie to accelerate the process but "A Liar's biggest enemy is someone with a good memory" which we forget and it keeps getting worse by every lie and it becomes more difficult to look back and see ourselves as the same person !!!

We did all this only to gain control over the other person, however now nothing matters anymore, we can keep doing this but in this verse a part of us dies, hence it becomes the Die Verse or if you still want to call it divorce, it is only after this, when we realize that life is a lot more about solving matters amicably than trying to control the other person, I would personally suggest everyone to avoid jumping to conclusions such as Divorce or Die Verse and it is never too late to solve any matter amicably !!!

Some times we are too far to go back wherein we have already tried to solve things amicably and now the only way out is the way thru, then we must be ready to have Die Verse or Divorce written in the poetry of our lives and remember "In Order To Rise From Its Own Ashes, A Phoenix Must Burn First" as this would not be an easy path and we would need more patience than we could even imagine. Choose wisely and live freely....Cheers !!!

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